lördag 29 oktober 2011

The most beautiful song

This is the most beautiful song<3
I love it<33

Thissong is for his wife after she had a car acident <33
It is so cute.

Bye Lisa

Because Lisa is going to the states i will try updating as much as possible .
We are all gonna miss her and i think she already miss us .
She better tell ushow was the states .

Miss You

For Lisa Bye

If you wanna party just grab somebody

Today I'm going to the states so I can't update very much. Sorry.

fredag 28 oktober 2011

Damon rocks

Damon rocks and that is why Leila choose to imitate him if you don´t know who is
Damon here are some pic he rocks



I wonder if he is drinking blood??

I wonder how taste his finger??

Leila and him would be a great team.

I love Damon now you know who he is watch Vampire Diaries .


onsdag 19 oktober 2011


Sometime people betray you and it really hurts somtimes you find yourself in a dark place
you may hate it but after a wile you end up in this same place again and again and you start
thinking you may belong there.But from this place how do you get home?? Most of the time
by solving the problem.There will always be a problem but the best way to solve it is to talk about it but how do you talk when there is none to listen nobody understands you!! How to do when the world seems cold and dark how to make it warm and light ??

Give answer as a coment!!

Thanks Lola<33

tisdag 18 oktober 2011

Dancing on pink tables

My weekend rocked. I was in Stockholm. We. got. the. visas. So happy!
Gonna have dessert with my guest and then I'll watch how i met your mother.

söndag 9 oktober 2011


Tomorrow is school and since a long time i really want to go i have a good felling about
Monday and i hope i am right .I don´t have a good feeling about the lessons more about the day the friends it doesn´t fell like Thursday that was a complete disaster it fells good and that makes me happy .

But I am not really here to talk about my boring life bu about music<3
Actually i am here to talk about glee not really music more about a TV show about music.

Glee promo

Really looking foward to it.

LoVe Lola

lördag 8 oktober 2011

Heaven actually is a place on earth

I love looking out, seeing the sea in the morning. It's what I saw this morning. I thought I was in heaven, then I remembered and got even happier.


It's fall outside now.


Maybe I'll stay here forever. I love Östersjön, and I love the beautiful city right next to it.
Sweden's most beautiful place!
Today I went on this amazing boattrip. We went so fast that I felt like flying.
Love it. My very own personal paradise.


Though I miss my gurl! Sox, I'll come home soon. You don't have to worry beautiful kittycat. <3

Sweat or Wet

This guy who wanted to spank me love this song but he never says sweat he says wet .
Don´t tell him or he will kill me <3

I love this song and I invented a dance on it.


fredag 7 oktober 2011

Awkward Day

Well, Lola should have something to say about this...

Awkwardest day ever! So embarrassing.
Will have nightmares forever!

torsdag 6 oktober 2011

Bad day

I don´t know what it was but today was a bad day nothing really good happend .


onsdag 5 oktober 2011

Lily Allen

I invented this great dance on 22 of Lily Allen I posted it for people who never saw it.

22 Lily Allen


Sorry about that...

Me and Lola had a hilarious time in the lockerroom.
We were discussing the song Sugar Cane. I did think she said Sugar *our english teacher's name, rhiming with Cane... o-o* first and got very confused.
Then she did this little dance thing that really was weird. I love it btw. The snake. That our mondayteacher think is so sexy. Then we got really giggly. Started dancing salsa today, at jazzclass. Very funny. Had a great time today, thanks Lola, Bex, Tess and Da.
Best for Nicky that she'll come tomorrow or I will get rawr.
Pssst.... Did you know that Lola is also known as akward and weird? ;) She's the one who said it! I'm mad, mean, nothing, happy, furious and killer.

Smelly soxs

Hi me again and i was right dance is awsome me and Leila had great fun and we did these really embarrassing salsa moves CREEPY. any way we had a good laugh .



I am so made i love glee but people are seriusly getting bitchy not good.
Anyway i would love spoiling even though that is Leila´s thing but i have to comfess i love spoiling even better i love people spoiling for me make me fell happy.
So today started off boring but turned out to be fun.
The best part of the day is coming it is dance I dance with Leila every Monday and Wednesday.
Here is the song we work on Wednesday and after the Monday one.


This video is weired but i didn´t choose it.


I love this song i don´t think the teacher is weird even he did say it was sexy now i am thinking to show it to the guy who wants to spank me and run away after before he spanks me. Keep the secret


About that

My day was awesomelly awesome. So awesome that I almost died. Awesomeness on a higher level.
Well, I love glee. Yeah. GLEE!

Follow me!

Sexaholic isn't a word

And that's it. Sorry Lola. Not a word. That's okay though.
Today was fine. Spanking twitter right now. Hot.


Hi School can be boring but fun a guy it the school is finding any reasons to spank me.
I really don´t want to be spankt but he is a sexholic and really fell in love with my but.
So i guess i´ll just have to hide from him in corridors.

I say no spanky so i better hide my but because he is comming
Luckylly i don´t have any lesson with him though he can be nice only not today.
I am also thinking of Akward this new serie i am watch love i really recomend it .


tisdag 4 oktober 2011


Hi today i am pretty board i don´t want to go to school the only thing that is keeping me to not stay home are :
My parents:(
Dance i can wait to be dancing with Leila tonight it´s my favorite part of the day.

Today i have 2 test .



For some older texts and qoutes with forrest gump. Found this. Love it.

Forrest Gump: [narrating] If I'd a known that was the last time I was gonna talk to Bubba, I would of thought of something better to say.
Forrest Gump: Hi Bubba.
Bubba: Hey Forrest. 

When to cry and when to laugh

Hey again. Decided to not do my homework directly. Seriously. Science. Nah. Can wait. A long time.
Chatting with that little Sockgirl and she's not answering. GRRR.

I like twitter. They haven't like banned it in school yet. Yet. Of course, if they found us sitting twittring at the lessons, it will probably be a big ''goodbye-twitter''.
Aw. Sad.

Anyways, the picture of a chain up there pretty much describe my day. I wanna run, but I can't. That does some serious sucking.
Tomorrow is dance! Yey! With my favteacher. My guyteacher went really weird last time... Tell me about it!
Like all, first I don't remember what he said, though I do remember the very awkward silence.
Then he did this little dancemove and told us we shouldn't be embarrased. And that move was okay being sexy with. I went like.... dotdotdot.... and then I went like gigglegiggle.


Rabbits and holes

Today was awkward. We went to the library in the morning, which was nice. The busdrive home went a little out of hand. Me and Lola really freaked out about being all... busiga.
Anyways, I played the cello today and i went awesomeness. Gotta do my homework, so bye!

Sox hugs a sock. Yeah.

Pretty little liars

Here is the theme song of Pretty Little Liars! I love this TV show.

I am suspicious

Can you keep a secret ??????

Don´t tell my secret ??

My lips will be forever closed if some one discovers your secret it´t not me!!!

The best way to keep a secret is to lock it.

If you smile i can be shore you won´t spill.

Becarefull gosssip can rune your life or your secret.

Some secret can be difficult to hold but if you spill you die..

Don´t come here my lips are seald there is nothing for you.

I have a secret can you keep it swear this one you won´t tell beter lock it in your pocket
taking this one to the grave!!!!!!!!!!
